
Submitting invoices to Peab

Peab’s general invoicing requirements 

The following rules apply unless otherwise agreed.

  • Peab pays the supplier 30 days after receiving an invoice, provided the invoice is correctly issued. See the Swedish Tax Agency’s (information in Swedish) rules.
  • In addition to the Swedish Tax Agency's rules, Peab is required to mark the invoice in order for it to be considered correct. Read more under Marking of invoices.
  • Peab assumes that its suppliers have a postal giro or bank giro account so that we can verify the payment information.
  • Information on business tax registration (F-skatt) must be displayed on the invoice.
  • Peab does not want any form of factoring (the sale of accounts receivable to third parties) to take place. If factoring nevertheless takes place, the seller is responsible for informing the new payee of the applicable payment and complaint rules, and for providing Peab with information in advance.
  • If reverse charge VAT is applicable to an invoice, the VAT number of the ordering Peab company must be displayed on the invoice, along with the text "Reverse tax liability for construction services is applicable"
  • Mixed invoices to which both reverse charge VAT and VAT liability are applicable cannot be processed.
  • Read more about reverse charge VAT at (information in Swedish).

Foreign invoices

General additional requirements that apply to invoicing from abroad

  • The supplier’s company registration number must be displayed on the invoice.
  • The supplier’s IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is an international standard for identifying bank accounts. It can consist of up to 34 characters. On invoices, the IBAN must be entered in groups of four digits, e.g. SE28 8000 0832 7999 0001 2345.  
  • The supplier’s SWIFT/BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is an international standard for identifying a bank. International payments are sent between banks via a computer system, the SWIFT system. The BIC code is used to specify which bank the payment is to be made to. The BIC code consists of 8 or 11 characters. For example SWEDSESS (8 characters) or SWEDSESSXXX (11 characters). 

Further additional requirements that apply to invoicing from abroad

For Services:

  • If the supplier has reverse tax liability, reverse charge must be indicated, as well as the VAT number of both the buying and selling companies.
  • Information on business tax (F-skatt) registration and the company registration number linked to the business tax registration must be displayed on invoices for all work carried out in Sweden.
  • The invoice should state how much of the invoiced amount relates to Goods and how much of it relates to Services.

For imports of Goods

Other EU countries

  • For imports of goods from another EU country, the invoice must display the customs code for the relevant group of goods, an 8-digit number, and the amount, weight or quantity of the goods. The customs code may also be called /commodity code/Intrastat number/tariff code.
  • Net weight of the goods represented by each commodity code, other quantity of these goods (if applicable)
  • Invoiced value

Non-EU countries

  • The supplier’s company registration number and VAT number must be displayed on the invoice.
  • Invoiced value

If any of the above information is missing or if the VAT details are incorrect, Peab has the right to return the invoice. No penalty interest is due for any delay that may occur as a result of this.

Submitting invoices to Peab

Please note that only invoices may be sent to the invoice address. Order confirmations, tenders, contracts and other correspondence must be sent to the relevant client via the agreed channels (email, letter or Supplier Portal (in Swedish)).

Peab receives invoices by the following means:

Electronic invoices

For more efficient and secure handling of supplier invoices, Peab is gradually switching to only accepting electronic invoices.

Peab accepts electronic invoices from suppliers with a Swedish VAT number. This also applies to foreign suppliers invoicing in currencies other than SEK, provided they have a valid Swedish VAT number.

On electronic invoices, the marking must be put in the correct field in order for the invoice to be accepted by the system. Read more about marking in the correct field.

The links below provide more information on the conditions you agree to by submitting an electronic invoice to Peab, how a connection process takes place and Peab’s marking requirements for each company that is able to accept electronic invoices.

If you have any questions, please contact us:

Foreign invoices

Foreign suppliers who do not have a Swedish VAT number cannot send electronic invoices to Peab.

These invoices must be sent by email to

Things to consider:

  • The invoice must be submitted in PDF format as an email attachment
  • The whole invoice including any annexes must be contained in a single PDF file
  • Several PDF files can be attached in the same email, provided each PDF file contains a whole invoice
  • Please note that the email address goes to an automated service, so any information written in the email will not be seen by anyone. All information must be communicated in the invoice and annexes (if any) in the PDF files
  • Peab’s marking requirements apply in the same way to a PDF invoice as to other invoice types

BEAst Portal

The BEAst Portal is a common invoice portal for the construction industry and connects the leading construction companies. It is aimed at suppliers with a low volume of invoices (1-100 invoices per year). For more information and registration, visit

If you have any questions about Peab's electronic invoice flows or support, please contact us at

Paper invoices

The companies in the Peab group are gradually phasing out the acceptance of paper invoices.

If you are not yet able to submit invoices in any form other than as paper invoices, you will find the invoicing address after the name of the relevant company here.

Returning of invoices

Invoices will be returned when required information is missing or the invoice is made out to the wrong legal entity. Did the invoice meet the Peab group’s marking requirements or the Swedish Tax Agency's rules (information in Swedish)?

Read more about the requirements applicable to invoicing

On electronic invoices, the marking must be put in the correct field in order for the invoice to be accepted by the system. Read more here

Please note:

  • Rejected electronic invoices are returned by email
  • Rejected paper invoices are returned by letter

When we return an invoice, we include information on what supplementary information must be provided.

Contact the client to request the correct information, e.g. our marking on the invoice.

Questions? Contact our support

Telephone: +46 101 500 400


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